Saturday, June 4, 2011

Power of visualization in goal setting...

A strange thing happened as a byproduct of visualization. For those of you who are new to the group, one of the techniques I am interested in for coping with my anxiety and depression is visualization. I have done a number of vision boards (I'll upload some pics later). 

I have found some lists of things that I wanted to do that dated back to 2007 recently and while I was busy beating myself up about never getting anywhere in life, it seems that this is an area where I am having trouble seeing that there is progress. Because about 95% of the things on my to do list (I used to have a notebook dedicated JUST to to dos) are done or are no longer necessary. 

So start getting that psychic clutter out of your head. At the front of the book start writing current things like oil changes and hair cuts, at the back start tracking your "been meaning to" list. Even if you don't ever cross them off, writing them down has it's own merit. Just writing it down. You don't even have to DO anything. The likelihood of achieving them is much greater. 

So getting back to the visualization technique. I shared with you last month the police officer visualization experience. This month I have been focusing on my new wheels. I have been busy drowning out running commentary from those close to me because they think it is insane that I would want to drive a truck. 

What if I actually LIKED that car and I wanted it because of ME? What if I don't care about someone else's opinion? What if I have already researched the relative reliability of said vehicle? What if I have plans that I may not be ready to share for which I feel this truck is a good match. What if I. JUST. DON'T CARE. ABOUT. YOUR. NEGATIVITY...and it is really time for you to MYOB? 

I had posted a picture of my vehicle here in the tree house, to see what would happen. One day I was at dinner with my son and when I walked out..what should be parked right in front of my car? The same exact truck in the same color I like. Yesterday there was one that pulled away from the traffic light in front of me in the other lane, this one in a different color I had never seen on this vehicle before and one that I really liked. The truck is not common so seeing it is kind of a novelty. I'm not giving up on this.

Mind you, I thought this whole visualization thing was a bunch of crap. Something for some faction of new age wackos that was just a fad like jeggings should go out of style as soon as possible. I am here to tell you that this really does work. There will be an other entry about how my visualization of my health (see picture of lady on the beach on this page) is helping me deal with my medical issues and is changing some of my habits...Despite the enormous pressure on me at the moment, I am still SMOKE FREE!!! And I think part of it is that I use this image to bring myself back to planet earth when I feel like everything is screwy. 

The moral of this story is, what you choose to do is completely up to you. But so often we are so quick to discount ideas that may actually work! Like putting affirmations on your mirror. Can I tell you if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to do that the money I would have earned would have afforded me a vacation in the Bahamas right now.

Making changes in your life requires being open to trying different and new approaches. What if by trying something that works for you, your life starts to shift in a direction that you've always wanted? It's worth a try, don't you think? Keep an open mind to someone else's suggestions. You never know if it will work until you try and if it doesn't seem harmful, what's the downside of trying it out?

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